The Cohiba Serie M Toro is a limited-edition premium cigar that is a collaboration between cigar giant General Cigar Co. and famed cigar maker El Titan de Bronze, which is located in the iconic Little Havana neighborhood of Miami, FLA. This artfully crafted cigar features a double binder, a closed foot, and a triple cap that is finished off with a fantail for a very Cubanesque look. Its savory, oily, dark chocolatey Nicaraguan Corojo maduro wrapper covers a dual Nicaraguan binder, and a filler made of the finest Dominican Republic Piloto Cubano leaves that are combined with long-filler leaves from Esteli and Jalapa, which are two of Nicaragua’s top tobacco growing regions. Once lit, this specially selected blend delivers a medium to full-bodied smoking experience, and it exhibits a rich creamy profile with hints of spice and light notes of coffee. The Serie M Toro is the first time that the Cohiba brand has made a cigar in the USA. Only 5,000 boxes of 10 cigars per box of the Cohiba Serie M Toro were made so place your order today before they’re all gone.