Introduced in 2002, Helix Cigars offer a mild, yet flavorful blend that appeals to the many cigar smokers who prefer a smooth, easy-smoking cigar. When a cigar's wrapper leaf is wound around its binder and filler, it is wrapped in a spiral, starting at the foot and ending at the head, until the entire cigar is covered with the flavorful tobacco leaf. This spiraled leaf is, in fact, a helix. And that is how distinctively mild Helix Cigars got their name when they were developed by the cigar making artisans in Danli, Honduras.
Cigar Origin
Most cigars are manufactured in the Caribbean and Central America.
Honduras, a Central American country which shares a border with Nicaragua, is widely known in the premium cigar industry as the ideal place to grow Cuban and Connecticut seed tobaccos. Danli and the Jamastran Valley is considered the heart of Honduras’ cigar industry. The Jamastran Valley is known for producing a full-bodied tobacco that draws strong comparisons to the tobacco grown in the Pinar del Rio region of Cuba. This same region is also known for its Connecticut shade grown and Corojo shade grown tobacco. In addition, Honduras produces Cuban-seed sun grown filler tobaccos of the highest quality.
Wrapper Color
Cigar wrapper color varies from green (Double Claro or Candela) to black (Maduro or Oscuro) with a full range of browns in between.
Natural wrapper, also known as Colorado Claro, is light brown in color.
USA Connecticut Shade
The wrapper is the last tobacco leaf to be rolled on the cigar, so it is the one the smoker will see.
The Connecticut Valley, in the Northeast of the USA, is well known for its bright golden wrapper. Because of a very hot and sunny summer, the tobacco is shade grown to make the leaf more delicate with few veins and even surface. Connecticut Shade wrapper grown in the United States has a mild to medium flavor and a silky quality, making it one of the most expensive and sought-after cigar wrappers in the cigar industry.
The binder is a full tobacco leaf that is used to roll the cigar, binding the filler tobaccos together.
Mexican tobacco is primarily grown in the San Andres region due to its volcanic soil. It has a very distinctive flavor with a spicy and earthy profile. As a binder it adds to the cigar’s overall flavor.
Filler is the term used to describe the tobacco inside a cigar or the "guts" of the cigar.
Brazil produces rich, medium to strong, dark tobaccos with a sweet taste and aroma. Most of the cigar production is concentrated on the eastern coast of Brazil, in the state of Bahia.
Dominican Republic
Filler is the term used to describe the tobacco inside a cigar or the "guts" of the cigar.
Filler (or “tripa” in Spanish) is the term used to describe the tobacco inside a cigar or the "guts" of the cigar. The Dominican Republic is considered one of the most premier tobacco growing countries in the world. The filler tobacco grown in this Caribbean island nation ranges from mild to full bodied. Olor Dominicano and Piloto Cubano are the main types of tobacco grown in the Dominican Republic.
Filler is the term used to describe the tobacco inside a cigar or the "guts" of the cigar.
Rolled by
Handmade cigars are completely made by hand from start to finish.
General Cigars/ST Group
General Cigar Company manufactures premium cigars in several factories located in the Dominican Republic, Honduras, and Nicaragua. Founded by Edgar Cullman, Sr. in 1960, the company experienced incredible success with their Macanudo brand. After a series of acquisitions throughout the years that made General Cigars one of the largest cigar manufacturers in the world, the company merged with Scandinavian Tobacco Group (STG) in 2010.
Petit Corona, Mild, Natural, from Honduras
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Box of 25 | $184.75 | $118.95 FREE SHIPPING | $65.80 | 590 | In Stock Ships Tomorrow | | |
Toro, Mild, Natural, from Honduras
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Box of 25 | $217.25 | $135.95 FREE SHIPPING | $81.30 | 675 | In Stock Ships Tomorrow | | |
Churchill, Mild, Natural, from Honduras
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Box of 25 | $222.25 | $143.95 FREE SHIPPING | $78.30 | 715 | In Stock Ships Tomorrow | | |
Introduced on the heels of its milder predecessor in the blue box, Helix Maduro was introduced later in 2002 for those who enjoy a mild cigar, but were seeking a sweeter, more flavorful experience. These cigars are made in Danli, Honduras.
Cigar Origin
Most cigars are manufactured in the Caribbean and Central America.
Honduras, a Central American country which shares a border with Nicaragua, is widely known in the premium cigar industry as the ideal place to grow Cuban and Connecticut seed tobaccos. Danli and the Jamastran Valley is considered the heart of Honduras’ cigar industry. The Jamastran Valley is known for producing a full-bodied tobacco that draws strong comparisons to the tobacco grown in the Pinar del Rio region of Cuba. This same region is also known for its Connecticut shade grown and Corojo shade grown tobacco. In addition, Honduras produces Cuban-seed sun grown filler tobaccos of the highest quality.
Wrapper Color
Cigar wrapper color varies from green (Double Claro or Candela) to black (Maduro or Oscuro) with a full range of browns in between.
Maduro wrapper can go from dark coffee brown with a reddish tint to blackish brown (the latter also called Oscuro).
USA Connecticut Broadleaf
The wrapper is the last tobacco leaf to be rolled on the cigar, so it is the one the smoker will see.
Connecticut Broadleaf is grown in the United States' Connecticut Valley and is prized for its dark, oily, full flavored and aromatic characteristics. The plants are grown in full sun giving this cigar wrapper its characteristic sweetness. The Connecticut Broadleaf plant leaves are mainly processed as maduro tobacco. Today, Connecticut Broadleaf seeds are being grown in other countries besides the United States.
The binder is a full tobacco leaf that is used to roll the cigar, binding the filler tobaccos together.
The binder is a full tobacco leaf that is used to roll the cigar and bind the filler tobaccos together. Honduran tobacco is known for being full-bodied. Cigars produced in Honduras are regarded for their consistency and quality. Using Honduran tobacco as a binder will add to the cigar’s overall strength and flavor profile.
Filler is the term used to describe the tobacco inside a cigar or the "guts" of the cigar.
Rolled by
Handmade cigars are completely made by hand from start to finish.
General Cigars/ST Group
General Cigar Company manufactures premium cigars in several factories located in the Dominican Republic, Honduras, and Nicaragua. Founded by Edgar Cullman, Sr. in 1960, the company experienced incredible success with their Macanudo brand. After a series of acquisitions throughout the years that made General Cigars one of the largest cigar manufacturers in the world, the company merged with Scandinavian Tobacco Group (STG) in 2010.
Toro, Mild, Maduro, from Honduras
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Box of 25 | $217.25 | $132.95 FREE SHIPPING | $84.30 | 660 | In Stock Ships Tomorrow | | |
Questions & Answers
Paul Helex cigars I want to buy some smaller than 5” 42 the one I had that I like is 4 inches I’m not sure of the ring size
Posted 7/26/2023
John Ronan Could you please provide the weight of the 4 cigars please
Posted 3/2/2021
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