Ernesto Perez-Carrillo, Cuban Senator and tobacco grower, fled Cuba in 1959, taking with him the secret of La Gloria Cubana cigars. He began making them in the heart of Little Havana in Miami, Florida in 1968, where their bold taste made them a local favorite. Today, produced in both Miami and the Dominican Republic, La Gloria Cubana is one of the most sought after cigars in the world. The La Gloria Cubana Maduro is a full bodied cigar rolled in a Connecticut Broadleaf Maduro wrapper.
Cigar Origin
Dominican Republic
Most cigars are manufactured in the Caribbean and Central America.
The Dominican Republic is the world's first producer of cigars. Most factories are located in Santiago, in the center of the island, and in close proximity to the tobacco fields grown in the fertile Cibao Valley. While tobacco and cigars have always traditionally been produced in the Dominican Republic, many Cuban cigar makers established in the Dominican Republic after the Cuban communist revolution, elevating the quality of Dominican cigars.
Wrapper Color
Cigar wrapper color varies from green (Double Claro or Candela) to black (Maduro or Oscuro) with a full range of browns in between.
Maduro wrapper can go from dark coffee brown with a reddish tint to blackish brown (the latter also called Oscuro).
The wrapper is the last tobacco leaf to be rolled on the cigar, so it is the one the smoker will see.
Ecuador is the perfect place to grow wrappers, because it is located on the Equator! And it has rich soils too. The weather conditions, with a nearly permanent cloudy sky, provide a natural shade, protecting the wrapper plants from sunshine and allowing the tobacco to grow thin and light. Ecuador supplies Connecticut and Sumatra type wrappers to many cigar factory in the world.
The binder is a full tobacco leaf that is used to roll the cigar, binding the filler tobaccos together.
Nicaraguan cigar binders are produced mainly in Esteli and Jalapa, both lands with volcanic soil and excellent climate for growing tobacco. Binders grown in Jalapa have sweet undertones. Corojo, Habana2000, Criollo, and Maduro binders are all produced in Nicaragua.
Dominican Republic
Filler is the term used to describe the tobacco inside a cigar or the "guts" of the cigar.
Filler (or “tripa” in Spanish) is the term used to describe the tobacco inside a cigar or the "guts" of the cigar. The Dominican Republic is considered one of the most premier tobacco growing countries in the world. The filler tobacco grown in this Caribbean island nation ranges from mild to full bodied. Olor Dominicano and Piloto Cubano are the main types of tobacco grown in the Dominican Republic.
Filler is the term used to describe the tobacco inside a cigar or the "guts" of the cigar.
Rolled by
Handmade cigars are completely made by hand from start to finish.
General Cigars/ST Group
General Cigar Company manufactures premium cigars in several factories located in the Dominican Republic, Honduras, and Nicaragua. Founded by Edgar Cullman, Sr. in 1960, the company experienced incredible success with their Macanudo brand. After a series of acquisitions throughout the years that made General Cigars one of the largest cigar manufacturers in the world, the company merged with Scandinavian Tobacco Group (STG) in 2010.
Double Corona, Medium, Maduro, from Dominican Republic
| |
Box of 25 | $267.25 | $205.95 FREE SHIPPING | $61.30 | 1025 | In Stock Ships 11/25 | | |
Single | $10.69 | $9.65 | $1.04 | 45 | In Stock Ships 11/25 | | |
Toro, Medium, Maduro, from Dominican Republic
| |
Box of 25 | $234.75 | $182.95 FREE SHIPPING | $51.80 | 910 | In Stock Ships 11/25 | | |
Single | $9.39 | $8.45 | $0.94 | 40 | In Stock Ships 11/25 | | |
Churchill, Medium, Maduro, from Dominican Republic
| |
Box of 25 | $249.75 | $194.95 FREE SHIPPING | $54.80 | 970 | In Stock Ships 11/25 | | |
Robusto, Medium, Maduro, from Dominican Republic
| |
Box of 25 | $192.25 | $149.95 FREE SHIPPING | $42.30 | 745 | In Stock Ships 11/25 | | |
Single | $7.69 | $6.95 | $0.74 | 30 | In Stock Ships 11/25 | | |
The La Gloria Cubana Medio Tiempo is a medium bodied premium cigar that uses the hard-to-get medio tiempo leaves in its filler. Medio Tiempo leaves, which grow above ligero leaves, are the top most leaves of the tobacco plant. They are considered rare because they only grow on a small number of tobacco plants. These prized leaves get the most exposure from the sun and are valued for their flavor and strength. The cigar sports a deliciously dark chocolatey Ecuadorian Ligero Sumatra wrapper placed over a USA Connecticut Broadleaf binder, and a filler made of Honduran, Nicaraguan, and Dominican Republic Dominican Piloto medio tiempo leaves. This five-nation blend delivers a complexity of flavors and an intensity of strength to create an exceptional smoking experience. The La Gloria Cubana Medio Tiempo is expertly hand crafted at the historic El Credito factory in the Dominican Republic.
Cigar Origin
Dominican Republic
Most cigars are manufactured in the Caribbean and Central America.
The Dominican Republic is the world's first producer of cigars. Most factories are located in Santiago, in the center of the island, and in close proximity to the tobacco fields grown in the fertile Cibao Valley. While tobacco and cigars have always traditionally been produced in the Dominican Republic, many Cuban cigar makers established in the Dominican Republic after the Cuban communist revolution, elevating the quality of Dominican cigars.
Wrapper Color
Cigar wrapper color varies from green (Double Claro or Candela) to black (Maduro or Oscuro) with a full range of browns in between.
Maduro wrapper can go from dark coffee brown with a reddish tint to blackish brown (the latter also called Oscuro).
Ecuadorian Ligero Sumatra
The wrapper is the last tobacco leaf to be rolled on the cigar, so it is the one the smoker will see.
Ecuador is the perfect place to grow wrappers, because it is located on the Equator! And it has rich soils too. The weather conditions, with a nearly permanent cloudy sky, provide a natural shade, protecting the wrapper plants from sunshine and allowing the tobacco to grow thin and light. Ecuador supplies Connecticut and Sumatra type wrappers to many cigar factory in the world.
USA Connecticut Broadleaf
The binder is a full tobacco leaf that is used to roll the cigar, binding the filler tobaccos together.
USA Connecticut Broadleaf tobacco is grown in the Connecticut River Valley area. The soil in this region is of glacial origins. The tobacco is dark, oily, flavorful, and aromatic. It is used primarily as a maduro wrapper, but it also serves as an excellent binder.
Dominican Republic Piloto Cubano
Filler is the term used to describe the tobacco inside a cigar or the "guts" of the cigar.
Filler is the term used to describe the tobacco inside a cigar or the "guts" of the cigar.
Filler is the term used to describe the tobacco inside a cigar or the "guts" of the cigar.
Rolled by
Handmade cigars are completely made by hand from start to finish.
El Credito Cigar Co.
In 1948, Ernesto Perez-Carrillo Sr. purchased the El Credito cigar factory in Havana, Cuba. After the Cuban Revolution, he left Cuba and moved to Miami, FLA. There he purchased a small cigar factory and named it El Credito. In 1976, his son Ernesto Jr. took over the enterprise. In the 1990s, El Credito released the legendary La Gloria Cubana cigar. Eventually, El Credito was purchased by Scandinavian Tobacco Group, which still makes the La Gloria Cubana cigar in the Dominican Republic.
Double Corona, Medium, Maduro, from Dominican Republic
| |
Box of 25 | $219.75 | $175.95 FREE SHIPPING | $43.80 | 875 | In Stock Ships 11/25 | | |
Single | $8.79 | $7.95 | $0.84 | 35 | In Stock Ships 11/25 | | |
Robusto, Medium, Maduro, from Dominican Republic
| |
Box of 25 | $199.75 | $159.95 FREE SHIPPING | $39.80 | 795 | In Stock Ships 11/25 | | |
Single | $7.99 | $7.20 | $0.79 | 35 | In Stock Ships 11/25 | | |
Toro, Medium, Maduro, from Dominican Republic
| |
Box of 25 | $212.25 | $169.95 FREE SHIPPING | $42.30 | 845 | In Stock Ships 11/25 | | |
Introduced in 1999, La Gloria Cubana Serie R has become a mainstay in countless smokers' humidors, and for good reason. With an Ecuadorian Sumatra wrapper, Nicaraguan binder and Dominican and Nicaraguan fillers, this Dominican-made medium-bodied cigar offers complex notes of cedar, leather and just the right amount of spice for a delicious treat worthy of the heritage it has created since its inception. Available in a multitude of sizes, La Gloria Cubana Serie R is a requisite cigar for any smoker.
Cigar Origin
Dominican Republic
Most cigars are manufactured in the Caribbean and Central America.
The Dominican Republic is the world's first producer of cigars. Most factories are located in Santiago, in the center of the island, and in close proximity to the tobacco fields grown in the fertile Cibao Valley. While tobacco and cigars have always traditionally been produced in the Dominican Republic, many Cuban cigar makers established in the Dominican Republic after the Cuban communist revolution, elevating the quality of Dominican cigars.
Wrapper Color
Cigar wrapper color varies from green (Double Claro or Candela) to black (Maduro or Oscuro) with a full range of browns in between.
Colorado is a medium brown color also known as EMS or English Market Selection as this used to be the color with more popularity in England than in America.
Ecuadorian Sumatra-Seed
The wrapper is the last tobacco leaf to be rolled on the cigar, so it is the one the smoker will see.
Ecuador is the perfect place to grow wrappers, because it is located on the Equator! And it has rich soils too. The weather conditions, with a nearly permanent cloudy sky, provide a natural shade, protecting the wrapper plants from sunshine and allowing the tobacco to grow thin and light. Ecuador supplies Connecticut and Sumatra type wrappers to many cigar factory in the world.
The binder is a full tobacco leaf that is used to roll the cigar, binding the filler tobaccos together.
Nicaraguan cigar binders are produced mainly in Esteli and Jalapa, both lands with volcanic soil and excellent climate for growing tobacco. Binders grown in Jalapa have sweet undertones. Corojo, Habana2000, Criollo, and Maduro binders are all produced in Nicaragua.
Dominican Republic
Filler is the term used to describe the tobacco inside a cigar or the "guts" of the cigar.
Filler (or “tripa” in Spanish) is the term used to describe the tobacco inside a cigar or the "guts" of the cigar. The Dominican Republic is considered one of the most premier tobacco growing countries in the world. The filler tobacco grown in this Caribbean island nation ranges from mild to full bodied. Olor Dominicano and Piloto Cubano are the main types of tobacco grown in the Dominican Republic.
Filler is the term used to describe the tobacco inside a cigar or the "guts" of the cigar.
Rolled by
Handmade cigars are completely made by hand from start to finish.
General Cigars/ST Group
General Cigar Company manufactures premium cigars in several factories located in the Dominican Republic, Honduras, and Nicaragua. Founded by Edgar Cullman, Sr. in 1960, the company experienced incredible success with their Macanudo brand. After a series of acquisitions throughout the years that made General Cigars one of the largest cigar manufacturers in the world, the company merged with Scandinavian Tobacco Group (STG) in 2010.
Torpedo, Medium, Colorado, from Dominican Republic
| |
Box of 24 | $220.56 | $169.95 FREE SHIPPING | $50.61 | 845 | Backorder Discontinued | | |
Robusto, Full, Colorado, from Dominican Republic
| |
Box of 24 | $191.76 | $156.95 FREE SHIPPING | $34.81 | 780 | In Stock Ships 11/25 | | |
Single | $7.99 | $7.20 | $0.79 | 35 | In Stock Ships 11/25 | | |
Robusto, Medium, Colorado, from Dominican Republic
| |
Box of 24 | $222.96 | $182.95 FREE SHIPPING | $40.01 | 910 | In Stock Ships 11/25 | | |
Single | $9.29 | $8.40 | $0.89 | 40 | In Stock Ships 11/25 | | |
Robusto, Medium, Colorado, from Dominican Republic
| |
Box of 24 | $239.76 | $196.95 FREE SHIPPING | $42.81 | 980 | In Stock Ships 11/25 | | |
Single | $9.99 | $9.00 | $0.99 | 45 | In Stock Ships 11/25 | | |
Toro, Medium, Colorado, from Dominican Republic
| |
Box of 24 | $270.96 | $220.95 FREE SHIPPING | $50.01 | 1100 | In Stock Ships 11/25 | | |
Single | $11.29 | $10.20 | $1.09 | 50 | In Stock Ships 11/25 | | |
Double Corona, Medium, Colorado, from Dominican Republic
| |
Box of 24 | $294.96 | $241.95 FREE SHIPPING | $53.01 | 1205 | In Stock Ships 11/25 | | |
Single | $12.29 | $11.10 | $1.19 | 55 | In Stock Ships 11/25 | | |
Giant, Medium, Colorado, from Dominican Republic
| |
Box of 15 | $191.85 | $156.95 FREE SHIPPING | $34.90 | 780 | In Stock Ships 11/25 | | |
Single | $12.79 | $11.55 | $1.24 | 55 | In Stock Ships 11/25 | | |
The La Gloria Cubana Seleccion Suprema Gift Box 6-Cigar Sampler is an excellent choice for fans of this storied brand. Nested in each box comes two each: La Gloria Cubana, La Gloria Cubana Serie R, and La Gloria Cubana Serie R Esteli. The cigars in this must have sampler are handmade in the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua.
| |
| $49.99 | $44.99 $40.49 | $9.50 | 200 | In Stock Ships 11/25 | | |
The La Gloria Cubana Serie R Black is the latest addition to the Serie R line. Handmade in Nicaragua, this is a Nicaraguan puro from its dark oily maduro wrapper right down to its Cuban-seed filler. A potent stick, the La Gloria Cubana Serie R Black delivers notes of earth, coffee, pepper, and spice. It is being billed as a considerably stronger smoke than the other cigars in the Serie R line.
Cigar Origin
Most cigars are manufactured in the Caribbean and Central America.
Despite many decades of war and revolution in this Central American country, the cigar industry has thrived due to the hard work and tenacity of Cuban exiles to the land such as Plasencia, Padron, Oliva, Ortez, and others. Tobacco has been a force of social stability, and the country is now one of the principal exporters of premium cigars in the world.
Wrapper Color
Cigar wrapper color varies from green (Double Claro or Candela) to black (Maduro or Oscuro) with a full range of browns in between.
Maduro wrapper can go from dark coffee brown with a reddish tint to blackish brown (the latter also called Oscuro).
The wrapper is the last tobacco leaf to be rolled on the cigar, so it is the one the smoker will see.
Nicaraguan cigar wrappers are produced mainly in Esteli and Jalapa, both lands with volcanic soil and excellent climate for growing tobacco. Wrappers grown in Jalapa have sweet undertones. Corojo, Habana2000, Criollo, and Maduro wrappers are all produced in Nicaragua.
The binder is a full tobacco leaf that is used to roll the cigar, binding the filler tobaccos together.
Nicaraguan cigar binders are produced mainly in Esteli and Jalapa, both lands with volcanic soil and excellent climate for growing tobacco. Binders grown in Jalapa have sweet undertones. Corojo, Habana2000, Criollo, and Maduro binders are all produced in Nicaragua.
Cuban Seed Nicaraguan
Filler is the term used to describe the tobacco inside a cigar or the "guts" of the cigar.
Rolled by
Handmade cigars are completely made by hand from start to finish.
Churchill, Full, Maduro, from Nicaragua
| |
Box of 18 | $161.82 | $110.95 FREE SHIPPING | $50.87 | 550 | In Stock Ships 11/25 | | |
Single | $8.99 | $8.10 | $0.89 | 40 | In Stock Ships 11/25 | | |
Toro, Full, Maduro, from Nicaragua
| |
Box of 18 | $165.42 | $115.95 FREE SHIPPING | $49.47 | 575 | In Stock Ships 11/25 | | |
Single | $9.19 | $8.30 | $0.89 | 40 | In Stock Ships 11/25 | | |
Toro, Full, Maduro, from Nicaragua
| |
Box of 18 | $170.82 | $125.95 FREE SHIPPING | $44.87 | 625 | In Stock Ships 11/25 | | |
Single | $9.49 | $8.55 | $0.94 | 40 | In Stock Ships 11/25 | | |
The La Gloria Cubana Serie R Black Maduro is the latest addition to the Serie R line. It is being offered through online and mail order cigar retailers only. Handmade in Nicaragua, this is a Nicaraguan puro from its dark oily maduro wrapper right down to its Cuban-seed filler. A potent stick, the La Gloria Cubana Serie R Black Maduro delivers notes of earth, coffee, pepper, and spice. It is considerably stronger than the other cigars in the Serie R line.
Cigar Origin
Most cigars are manufactured in the Caribbean and Central America.
Despite many decades of war and revolution in this Central American country, the cigar industry has thrived due to the hard work and tenacity of Cuban exiles to the land such as Plasencia, Padron, Oliva, Ortez, and others. Tobacco has been a force of social stability, and the country is now one of the principal exporters of premium cigars in the world.
Wrapper Color
Cigar wrapper color varies from green (Double Claro or Candela) to black (Maduro or Oscuro) with a full range of browns in between.
Maduro wrapper can go from dark coffee brown with a reddish tint to blackish brown (the latter also called Oscuro).
USA Connecticut Broadleaf
The wrapper is the last tobacco leaf to be rolled on the cigar, so it is the one the smoker will see.
Connecticut Broadleaf is grown in the United States' Connecticut Valley and is prized for its dark, oily, full flavored and aromatic characteristics. The plants are grown in full sun giving this cigar wrapper its characteristic sweetness. The Connecticut Broadleaf plant leaves are mainly processed as maduro tobacco. Today, Connecticut Broadleaf seeds are being grown in other countries besides the United States.
The binder is a full tobacco leaf that is used to roll the cigar, binding the filler tobaccos together.
Nicaraguan cigar binders are produced mainly in Esteli and Jalapa, both lands with volcanic soil and excellent climate for growing tobacco. Binders grown in Jalapa have sweet undertones. Corojo, Habana2000, Criollo, and Maduro binders are all produced in Nicaragua.
Filler is the term used to describe the tobacco inside a cigar or the "guts" of the cigar.
Rolled by
Handmade cigars are completely made by hand from start to finish.
Toro, Full, Maduro, from Nicaragua
| |
Box of 18 | $167.22 | $111.95 FREE SHIPPING | $55.27 | 555 | In Stock Ships 11/25 | | |
Single | $9.29 | $8.40 | $0.89 | 40 | In Stock Ships 11/25 | | |
Double Corona, Full, Maduro, from Nicaragua
| |
Box of 18 | $176.22 | $116.95 FREE SHIPPING | $59.27 | 580 | In Stock Ships 11/25 | | |
Single | $9.79 | $8.85 | $0.94 | 40 | In Stock Ships 11/25 | | |
Toro, Full, Maduro, from Nicaragua
| |
Box of 18 | $170.82 | $113.95 FREE SHIPPING | $56.87 | 565 | In Stock Ships 11/25 | | |
Single | $9.49 | $8.55 | $0.94 | 40 | In Stock Ships 11/25 | | |
La Gloria Cubana Serie R is a brand that has always been at the forefront of the trends. In 1999, they started the whole fat ring craze with the introduction of Serie R. In 2013, La Gloria Cubana moves to Nicaragua with the launch of La Gloria Cubana Serie R Esteli, a large ring, full flavored Nicaraguan puro. Please call 1-800-655-3385 to place your order.
Cigar Origin
Most cigars are manufactured in the Caribbean and Central America.
Despite many decades of war and revolution in this Central American country, the cigar industry has thrived due to the hard work and tenacity of Cuban exiles to the land such as Plasencia, Padron, Oliva, Ortez, and others. Tobacco has been a force of social stability, and the country is now one of the principal exporters of premium cigars in the world.
Wrapper Color
Cigar wrapper color varies from green (Double Claro or Candela) to black (Maduro or Oscuro) with a full range of browns in between.
Maduro wrapper can go from dark coffee brown with a reddish tint to blackish brown (the latter also called Oscuro).
The wrapper is the last tobacco leaf to be rolled on the cigar, so it is the one the smoker will see.
Nicaraguan cigar wrappers are produced mainly in Esteli and Jalapa, both lands with volcanic soil and excellent climate for growing tobacco. Wrappers grown in Jalapa have sweet undertones. Corojo, Habana2000, Criollo, and Maduro wrappers are all produced in Nicaragua.
The binder is a full tobacco leaf that is used to roll the cigar, binding the filler tobaccos together.
Nicaraguan cigar binders are produced mainly in Esteli and Jalapa, both lands with volcanic soil and excellent climate for growing tobacco. Binders grown in Jalapa have sweet undertones. Corojo, Habana2000, Criollo, and Maduro binders are all produced in Nicaragua.
Filler is the term used to describe the tobacco inside a cigar or the "guts" of the cigar.
Rolled by
Handmade cigars are completely made by hand from start to finish.
General Cigars/ST Group
General Cigar Company manufactures premium cigars in several factories located in the Dominican Republic, Honduras, and Nicaragua. Founded by Edgar Cullman, Sr. in 1960, the company experienced incredible success with their Macanudo brand. After a series of acquisitions throughout the years that made General Cigars one of the largest cigar manufacturers in the world, the company merged with Scandinavian Tobacco Group (STG) in 2010.
Toro, Full, Maduro, from Nicaragua
| |
Box of 18 | $167.22 | $105.95 FREE SHIPPING | $61.27 | 525 | In Stock Ships 11/25 | | |
Single | $9.29 | $8.40 | $0.89 | 40 | In Stock Ships 11/25 | | |
Toro, Full, Maduro, from Nicaragua
| |
Box of 18 | $170.82 | $107.95 FREE SHIPPING | $62.87 | 535 | In Stock Ships 11/25 | | |
Single | $9.49 | $8.55 | $0.94 | 40 | In Stock Ships 11/25 | | |
Toro, Full, Maduro, from Nicaragua
| |
Box of 18 | $185.22 | $116.95 FREE SHIPPING | $68.27 | 580 | In Stock Ships 11/25 | | |
Single | $10.29 | $9.30 | $0.99 | 45 | In Stock Ships 11/25 | | |
The La Gloria Cubana Seleccion Suprema Gift Box 6-Cigar Sampler is an excellent choice for fans of this storied brand. Nested in each box comes two each: La Gloria Cubana, La Gloria Cubana Serie R, and La Gloria Cubana Serie R Esteli. The cigars in this must have sampler are handmade in the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua.
| |
| $49.99 | $44.99 $40.49 | $9.50 | 200 | In Stock Ships 11/25 | | |
In 2013, La Gloria Cubana moved operations to Nicaragua with the launch of La Gloria Cubana Serie R Esteli, a large ring, full-flavored Nicaraguan puro. They've followed that tremendous hit with the maduro version of the Serie R Esteli, which finds it being wrapped in a dark and oily USA Connecticut Broadleaf while maintaining the rest of the components that made the original so popular. The blackened leaf adds some richness and strength, making it a more full-bodied blend than before, all while also adding a deliciously sweet undertone. This one is here to stay.
Cigar Origin
Most cigars are manufactured in the Caribbean and Central America.
Despite many decades of war and revolution in this Central American country, the cigar industry has thrived due to the hard work and tenacity of Cuban exiles to the land such as Plasencia, Padron, Oliva, Ortez, and others. Tobacco has been a force of social stability, and the country is now one of the principal exporters of premium cigars in the world.
Wrapper Color
Cigar wrapper color varies from green (Double Claro or Candela) to black (Maduro or Oscuro) with a full range of browns in between.
Maduro wrapper can go from dark coffee brown with a reddish tint to blackish brown (the latter also called Oscuro).
USA Connecticut Broadleaf
The wrapper is the last tobacco leaf to be rolled on the cigar, so it is the one the smoker will see.
Connecticut Broadleaf is grown in the United States' Connecticut Valley and is prized for its dark, oily, full flavored and aromatic characteristics. The plants are grown in full sun giving this cigar wrapper its characteristic sweetness. The Connecticut Broadleaf plant leaves are mainly processed as maduro tobacco. Today, Connecticut Broadleaf seeds are being grown in other countries besides the United States.
The binder is a full tobacco leaf that is used to roll the cigar, binding the filler tobaccos together.
Nicaraguan cigar binders are produced mainly in Esteli and Jalapa, both lands with volcanic soil and excellent climate for growing tobacco. Binders grown in Jalapa have sweet undertones. Corojo, Habana2000, Criollo, and Maduro binders are all produced in Nicaragua.
Filler is the term used to describe the tobacco inside a cigar or the "guts" of the cigar.
Rolled by
Handmade cigars are completely made by hand from start to finish.
General Cigars/ST Group
General Cigar Company manufactures premium cigars in several factories located in the Dominican Republic, Honduras, and Nicaragua. Founded by Edgar Cullman, Sr. in 1960, the company experienced incredible success with their Macanudo brand. After a series of acquisitions throughout the years that made General Cigars one of the largest cigar manufacturers in the world, the company merged with Scandinavian Tobacco Group (STG) in 2010.
Toro, Medium, Maduro, from Nicaragua
| |
Box of 18 | $167.22 | $105.95 FREE SHIPPING | $61.27 | 525 | In Stock Ships 11/25 | | |
Toro, Medium, Maduro, from Nicaragua
| |
Box of 18 | $170.82 | $107.95 FREE SHIPPING | $62.87 | 535 | In Stock Ships 11/25 | | |
Single | $9.49 | $8.55 | $0.94 | 40 | In Stock Ships 11/25 | | |
Toro, Medium, Maduro, from Nicaragua
| |
Box of 18 | $185.22 | $116.95 FREE SHIPPING | $68.27 | 580 | In Stock Ships 11/25 | | |
Single | $10.29 | $9.30 | $0.99 | 45 | In Stock Ships 11/25 | | |
Introduced in 1999, La Gloria Cubana Serie R has become a mainstay in countless smokers' humidors. The Serie R Maduro takes that winning combination and swaps out the wrapper with a USA Connecticut Broadleaf for added strength and sweetness. Rounded out with a Nicaraguan binder and Dominican and Nicaraguan fillers, this Dominican-made medium to full-bodied cigar offers complex notes of leather, earth and just the right amount of spice for a delicious treat worthy of the heritage it has created since its inception. Available in a multitude of sizes, La Gloria Cubana Serie R Maduro is a requisite cigar for any smoker.
Cigar Origin
Dominican Republic
Most cigars are manufactured in the Caribbean and Central America.
The Dominican Republic is the world's first producer of cigars. Most factories are located in Santiago, in the center of the island, and in close proximity to the tobacco fields grown in the fertile Cibao Valley. While tobacco and cigars have always traditionally been produced in the Dominican Republic, many Cuban cigar makers established in the Dominican Republic after the Cuban communist revolution, elevating the quality of Dominican cigars.
Wrapper Color
Cigar wrapper color varies from green (Double Claro or Candela) to black (Maduro or Oscuro) with a full range of browns in between.
Maduro wrapper can go from dark coffee brown with a reddish tint to blackish brown (the latter also called Oscuro).
USA Connecticut Broadleaf
The wrapper is the last tobacco leaf to be rolled on the cigar, so it is the one the smoker will see.
Connecticut Broadleaf is grown in the United States' Connecticut Valley and is prized for its dark, oily, full flavored and aromatic characteristics. The plants are grown in full sun giving this cigar wrapper its characteristic sweetness. The Connecticut Broadleaf plant leaves are mainly processed as maduro tobacco. Today, Connecticut Broadleaf seeds are being grown in other countries besides the United States.
The binder is a full tobacco leaf that is used to roll the cigar, binding the filler tobaccos together.
Nicaraguan cigar binders are produced mainly in Esteli and Jalapa, both lands with volcanic soil and excellent climate for growing tobacco. Binders grown in Jalapa have sweet undertones. Corojo, Habana2000, Criollo, and Maduro binders are all produced in Nicaragua.
Dominican Republic
Filler is the term used to describe the tobacco inside a cigar or the "guts" of the cigar.
Filler (or “tripa” in Spanish) is the term used to describe the tobacco inside a cigar or the "guts" of the cigar. The Dominican Republic is considered one of the most premier tobacco growing countries in the world. The filler tobacco grown in this Caribbean island nation ranges from mild to full bodied. Olor Dominicano and Piloto Cubano are the main types of tobacco grown in the Dominican Republic.
Filler is the term used to describe the tobacco inside a cigar or the "guts" of the cigar.
Rolled by
Handmade cigars are completely made by hand from start to finish.
General Cigars/ST Group
General Cigar Company manufactures premium cigars in several factories located in the Dominican Republic, Honduras, and Nicaragua. Founded by Edgar Cullman, Sr. in 1960, the company experienced incredible success with their Macanudo brand. After a series of acquisitions throughout the years that made General Cigars one of the largest cigar manufacturers in the world, the company merged with Scandinavian Tobacco Group (STG) in 2010.
Robusto, Full, Maduro, from Dominican Republic
| |
Box of 24 | $222.96 | $182.95 FREE SHIPPING | $40.01 | 910 | In Stock Ships 11/25 | | |
Single | $9.29 | $8.40 | $0.89 | 40 | In Stock Ships 11/25 | | |
Robusto, Full, Maduro, from Dominican Republic
| |
Box of 24 | $239.76 | $196.95 FREE SHIPPING | $42.81 | 980 | In Stock Ships 11/25 | | |
Single | $9.99 | $9.00 | $0.99 | 45 | In Stock Ships 11/25 | | |
Toro, Full, Maduro, from Dominican Republic
| |
Box of 24 | $270.96 | $220.95 FREE SHIPPING | $50.01 | 1100 | In Stock Ships 11/25 | | |
Single | $11.29 | $10.20 | $1.09 | 50 | In Stock Ships 11/25 | | |
Double Corona, Full, Maduro, from Dominican Republic
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Box of 24 | $294.96 | $241.95 FREE SHIPPING | $53.01 | 1205 | In Stock Ships 11/25 | | |
Single | $12.29 | $11.10 | $1.19 | 55 | In Stock Ships 11/25 | | |
Giant, Full, Maduro, from Dominican Republic
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Box of 15 | $191.85 | $160.95 FREE SHIPPING | $30.90 | 800 | In Stock Ships 11/25 | | |
Single | $12.79 | $11.55 | $1.24 | 55 | In Stock Ships 11/25 | | |
In 1999, Ernesto Perez-Carrillo Jr. decided he wanted to bring something special to his many La Gloria Cubana customers. Inspired by his personal taste for very full-bodied cigars, he introduced the Nos. 4, 5 and 6 Serie R cigars. Their full-bodied flavor comes from a special blend of long Dominican and Nicaraguan filler, superb Nicaraguan binder and a wonderfully aged and extra flavorful Connecticut Broadleaf maduro wrapper.
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| $85.72 | $77.40 | $8.32 | 385 | In Stock Ships 11/25 | | |
The La Gloria Cubana is a well-established brand that dates back to the early 1970s. It is well-known for making firsts. It was the first non-Cuban cigar made in Miami, Florida. It is also cited for being one of the first brands to popularize thick ring gauge cigars. The La Gloria Cubana Serie S is the first time this iconic brand has released a Mexican San Andres wrapper. This inviting, golden-brown wrapper covers a Nicaraguan binder and a Dominican and Nicaraguan filler. When lit, the Serie S offers a well-balanced, medium to full-bodied smoking experience that will appeal to the traditional as well as the contemporary aficionado.
Cigar Origin
Dominican Republic
Most cigars are manufactured in the Caribbean and Central America.
The Dominican Republic is the world's first producer of cigars. Most factories are located in Santiago, in the center of the island, and in close proximity to the tobacco fields grown in the fertile Cibao Valley. While tobacco and cigars have always traditionally been produced in the Dominican Republic, many Cuban cigar makers established in the Dominican Republic after the Cuban communist revolution, elevating the quality of Dominican cigars.
Wrapper Color
Colorado Maduro
Cigar wrapper color varies from green (Double Claro or Candela) to black (Maduro or Oscuro) with a full range of browns in between.
Colorado maduro wrapper is milk chocolate brown.
The wrapper is the last tobacco leaf to be rolled on the cigar, so it is the one the smoker will see.
Mexican tobacco is very dark and the best leaves can be used as maduro wrappers. In San Andres de Tuxtla (in the state of Vera Cruz), there is a very interesting production of Sumatra seed wrappers. Dark air cured tobaccos are produced in Mexico, mainly in Vera Cruz and Tampico provinces, on the East Coast along the Gulf. There is also some production in Yucatan. Mexico's volcanic soil yields tobacco that is spicy and earthy, with a very distinctive flavor.
Nicaraguan Esteli
The binder is a full tobacco leaf that is used to roll the cigar, binding the filler tobaccos together.
The Esteli region of Nicaragua is well-regarded for producing some of the finest tobacco in the world. Tobacco grown in this area is valued for its aroma, flavor, and strength.
Dominican Republic
Filler is the term used to describe the tobacco inside a cigar or the "guts" of the cigar.
Filler (or “tripa” in Spanish) is the term used to describe the tobacco inside a cigar or the "guts" of the cigar. The Dominican Republic is considered one of the most premier tobacco growing countries in the world. The filler tobacco grown in this Caribbean island nation ranges from mild to full bodied. Olor Dominicano and Piloto Cubano are the main types of tobacco grown in the Dominican Republic.
Filler is the term used to describe the tobacco inside a cigar or the "guts" of the cigar.
Rolled by
Handmade cigars are completely made by hand from start to finish.
El Credito Cigar Co.
In 1948, Ernesto Perez-Carrillo Sr. purchased the El Credito cigar factory in Havana, Cuba. After the Cuban Revolution, he left Cuba and moved to Miami, FLA. There he purchased a small cigar factory and named it El Credito. In 1976, his son Ernesto Jr. took over the enterprise. In the 1990s, El Credito released the legendary La Gloria Cubana cigar. Eventually, El Credito was purchased by Scandinavian Tobacco Group, which still makes the La Gloria Cubana cigar in the Dominican Republic.
Toro, Medium, Colorado Maduro, from Dominican Republic
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Box of 24 | $203.76 | $163.95 FREE SHIPPING | $39.81 | 815 | In Stock Ships 11/25 | | |
Single | $8.49 | $7.65 | $0.84 | 35 | In Stock Ships 11/25 | | |
Robusto, Medium, Colorado Maduro, from Dominican Republic
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Box of 24 | $191.76 | $153.95 FREE SHIPPING | $37.81 | 765 | In Stock Ships 11/25 | | |
Single | $7.99 | $7.20 | $0.79 | 35 | In Stock Ships 11/25 | | |
Double Corona, Medium, Colorado Maduro, from Dominican Republic
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Box of 24 | $215.76 | $172.95 FREE SHIPPING | $42.81 | 860 | In Stock Ships 11/25 | | |
Single | $8.99 | $8.10 | $0.89 | 40 | In Stock Ships 11/25 | | |
The La Gloria Cubana is a globally recognized cigar brand with a strong loyal following and a rich history that precedes post-revolution Cuba. It also has a passionate fanbase with a large online presence called the La Gloria Cubana Society. To show their appreciation for their years of loyalty, the brand surveyed its fans. Then asked them what their ideal cigar would be and to include the blend, vitola and packaging. The fans responded and after many trials they released the La Gloria Cubana Society Cigar. It is a flavorful, medium-bodied Honduran puro with a mouthwatering maduro wrapper.
Cigar Origin
Dominican Republic
Most cigars are manufactured in the Caribbean and Central America.
The Dominican Republic is the world's first producer of cigars. Most factories are located in Santiago, in the center of the island, and in close proximity to the tobacco fields grown in the fertile Cibao Valley. While tobacco and cigars have always traditionally been produced in the Dominican Republic, many Cuban cigar makers established in the Dominican Republic after the Cuban communist revolution, elevating the quality of Dominican cigars.
Wrapper Color
Cigar wrapper color varies from green (Double Claro or Candela) to black (Maduro or Oscuro) with a full range of browns in between.
Maduro wrapper can go from dark coffee brown with a reddish tint to blackish brown (the latter also called Oscuro).
The wrapper is the last tobacco leaf to be rolled on the cigar, so it is the one the smoker will see.
Honduran cigar wrapper has the reputation of great quality, with wrapper leaf being grown in the Jamastran, Talanga and San Agustin valleys. Some of the wrappers being grown in Honduras include Corojo, Honduran Claro, Honduran Criollo, Honduran Jamastran Viso Rosado, Honduran San Agustin Havana Seed and San Agustin Ligero.
The wrapper is the last tobacco leaf to be rolled on the cigar, so it is the one the smoker will see.
Habano wrapper leaf is Cuban-seed tobacco that is grown and cultivated in the traditional Cuban way.
Ecuador Sumatra
The binder is a full tobacco leaf that is used to roll the cigar, binding the filler tobaccos together.
Ecuador Sumatra tobacco is made from Sumatra-seeds that been cultivated in Ecuador, one of the most ideal locations for growing tobacco. The leaves tend to be dark and rich in flavor.
Dominican Republic
Filler is the term used to describe the tobacco inside a cigar or the "guts" of the cigar.
Filler (or “tripa” in Spanish) is the term used to describe the tobacco inside a cigar or the "guts" of the cigar. The Dominican Republic is considered one of the most premier tobacco growing countries in the world. The filler tobacco grown in this Caribbean island nation ranges from mild to full bodied. Olor Dominicano and Piloto Cubano are the main types of tobacco grown in the Dominican Republic.
Filler is the term used to describe the tobacco inside a cigar or the "guts" of the cigar.
Rolled by