Sacrificio Cigars was founded by Julio Cabrera, a Cuban born bartender and cigar lover turned cigar crafter. The cigars are named after the El Sacrificio Café in Cuba, which was owned by Julio’s father. It was also named in honor of Julio’s father and his love for cigars. The cigars are handmade by the Oliva Cigar Co. in Nicaragua using the finest tobaccos and traditional Cuban rolling methods. Sacrificio Cigars are known for their complexity and creating a satisfying smoking experience.
Cigar Origin
Most cigars are manufactured in the Caribbean and Central America.
Despite many decades of war and revolution in this Central American country, the cigar industry has thrived due to the hard work and tenacity of Cuban exiles to the land such as Plasencia, Padron, Oliva, Ortez, and others. Tobacco has been a force of social stability, and the country is now one of the principal exporters of premium cigars in the world.
Wrapper Color
Cigar wrapper color varies from green (Double Claro or Candela) to black (Maduro or Oscuro) with a full range of browns in between.
Maduro wrapper can go from dark coffee brown with a reddish tint to blackish brown (the latter also called Oscuro).
Ecuadorian Habano
The wrapper is the last tobacco leaf to be rolled on the cigar, so it is the one the smoker will see.
Ecuadorian Habano wrapper has become one of the most used cigar wrappers in the market. Grown primarily by the Oliva family, this tobacco originated from Habano or H2000 seeds brought to Ecuador from Cuba. This leaf is rich and flavorful thanks to the temperate climate of Ecuador and the quality of its volcanic soil.
The binder is a full tobacco leaf that is used to roll the cigar, binding the filler tobaccos together.
Ecuador is the perfect place to grow binders, because it is located on the Equator and it has rich soils too. The weather conditions, with a nearly permanent cloudy sky, provide a natural shade, protecting the plants from sunshine and allowing the tobacco to grow thin and light. Ecuador supplies Connecticut and Sumatra type binders to many cigar factory in the world.
The binder is a full tobacco leaf that is used to roll the cigar, binding the filler tobaccos together.
Filler is the term used to describe the tobacco inside a cigar or the "guts" of the cigar.
Filler is the term used to describe the tobacco inside a cigar or the "guts" of the cigar.
Rolled by
Handmade cigars are completely made by hand from start to finish.
Oliva Cigar Co.
Oliva Cigar Company is Nicaragua's second largest grower of tobacco and one of the largest cigarmakers in the world. It all started in 1886 when Melanio Oliva first grew tobacco in Cuba. In 1995, his grandson Gilberto Oliva would launch the Oliva cigar brand, produced in Esteli, Nicaragua. The company's flagship brand, Oliva Serie V, has obtained some of the highest ratings in cigar publications worldwide. Their cigars use mostly tobacco harvested by the company in their various farms in Nicaragua.
Toro, Full, Maduro, from Nicaragua
| |
Box of 10 | $150.00 | $135.95 FREE SHIPPING | $14.05 | 675 | In Stock Ships 12/04 | | |
Single | $15.00 | $14.25 | $0.75 | 70 | In Stock Ships 12/04 | | |
Long Panatela, Medium, Maduro, from Nicaragua
| |
Box of 10 | $130.00 | $117.95 FREE SHIPPING | $12.05 | 585 | In Stock Ships 12/04 | | |
Single | $13.00 | $12.35 | $0.65 | 60 | In Stock Ships 12/04 | | |
Robusto, Mild, Claro, from Nicaragua
| |
Box of 10 | $120.00 | $108.95 FREE SHIPPING | $11.05 | 540 | In Stock Ships 12/04 | | |
Single | $12.00 | $11.40 | $0.60 | 55 | In Stock Ships 12/04 | | |
Torpedo, Medium, Natural, from Nicaragua
| |
Box of 10 | $140.00 | $126.95 FREE SHIPPING | $13.05 | 630 | In Stock Ships 12/04 | | |
Single | $14.00 | $13.30 | $0.70 | 65 | In Stock Ships 12/04 | | |
Julio Cabrera’s Sacrificio cigars are crafted to appeal to both seasoned and novice aficionados. This conveniently arranged sampler lets you enjoy a different blend from Sacrificio’s portfolio. Each sampler comes with one (1) each: • Sacrificio El Caballo Doble Toro (6" * 60) – This medium-full bodied smoke has a bold flavor profile accented with a subtle spiciness and a long finish. Its Ecuadorian Habano wrapper and binder cloaks a Nicaraguan filler.
• Sacrificio Elegante Lancero (7" * 38) – A flavorful, medium-bodied cigar that offers irresistible notes of dark chocolate and coffee. Its light-tan Ecuadorian Habano wrapper covers an Ecuadorian Sumatra binder and a Nicaraguan filler.
• Sacrificio Junior Robusto (5" * 50) – This mild bodied smoke has a rich creaminess and a captivating tobacco profile. Its silky Ecuadorian Connecticut Shade wrapper drapes a Cameroon binder and a Nicaraguan filler.
• Sacrificio Maestro Torpedo (6"1/2 * 52) – A medium bodied cigar with subtle notes of leather, earth, floral and spice. Its Ecuadorian Sumatra wrapper cloaks an Ecuadorian Habano binder and a filler made of Dominican Piloto and Nicaraguan leaves.
• The cigars are handmade in Nicaragua by the Oliva Cigar Co. for Sacrificio Cigars.
| |
| $60.00 | $53.95 $48.56 | $11.45 | 240 | In Stock Ships 12/02 | | |
Questions & Answers
Suha Ozkan Are you in Turkey? How can you ship to an address in Turkey where tobacco import prohibited.
Posted 2/1/2024
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