Freud Cigar Company Cigars

Established in 2022, the Freud Cigar Company is dedicated to crafting luxury cigars using the finest tobaccos and made by some of the most prominent cigar crafters in the industry. The cigars are regarded for their expert craftsmanship, unique blends, and enjoyable flavor profiles. They are handmade in the Dominican Republic. The company is named after Dr. Sigmund Freud who is considered the founder of psychoanalysis and a well-known cigar aficionado. The Freud Cigar Company was founded by Luis Torres a cigar industry executive (formerly the CEO of Casa de Montecristo cigar) and David Stadnyk, a financial expert and cigar enthusiast.

Freud Agape LE

The Freud Agape LE was created as an expression for the love of tobacco and the art of making cigars. “Agape” is a Greek word that refers to an unselfish love, and it is considered the highest form of love. This Dominican puro is a labor of love whose filler uses five types of tobaccos, an indigenous Dominican binder leaf, and a silky smooth, dark chocolatey Colorado maduro wrapper for a total of seven types of tobaccos. Once rolled, the cigars are aged for eight months to allow their flavors and aromas to marry. This carefully curated blend creates a medium-bodied smoking indulgence with its rich creamy profile and pleasant notes of floral, cocoa and spice. The blend was developed by Eladio Diaz, a master blender with more than four decades of experience in blending and creating premium cigars. The Agape LE is handmade in the Dominican Republic at the Tabacalera Diaz Cabrera factory, which is owned and operated by Eladio Diaz.
  • Cigar Origin
    Dominican Republic
  • Strength
  • Wrapper Color
    Colorado Maduro
  • Wrapper
  • Binder
    Dominican Republic
  • Filler
    Dominican Republic
  • Rolled by
  • Manufacturer
    Tabacalera Diaz Cabrera
Robusto, Medium, Colorado Maduro, from Dominican Republic
Freud Agape LE Robusto 5 * 54
Box of 10$300.00
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Questions & Answers
Francisco Torvisco  Hi! Will you be stocking the Freud SuperEgo line?
Posted 11/16/2022   
  •  I am not certain if we will be picking up the line, but if you are interested in special ordering a box or boxes, please email [email protected]. Thanks!
    Replied 11/19/2022  
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