The Alec Bradley Maxx is wrapped in a mouthwatering chocolate brown Nicaraguan Habano wrapper, with Costa Rican binder and fillers from Colombia, Nicaragua, Mexico and Honduras. It is a line made of all large ring gauge cigars ranging from 54 to 60 ring. The cigar has a great, even burn for a large cigar, and its taste is smooth and medium bodied, with pleasant cocoa and coffee undertones.
Cigar Origin
Most cigars are manufactured in the Caribbean and Central America.
Honduras, a Central American country which shares a border with Nicaragua, is widely known in the premium cigar industry as the ideal place to grow Cuban and Connecticut seed tobaccos. Danli and the Jamastran Valley is considered the heart of Honduras’ cigar industry. The Jamastran Valley is known for producing a full-bodied tobacco that draws strong comparisons to the tobacco grown in the Pinar del Rio region of Cuba. This same region is also known for its Connecticut shade grown and Corojo shade grown tobacco. In addition, Honduras produces Cuban-seed sun grown filler tobaccos of the highest quality.
Wrapper Color
Colorado Maduro
Cigar wrapper color varies from green (Double Claro or Candela) to black (Maduro or Oscuro) with a full range of browns in between.
Colorado maduro wrapper is milk chocolate brown.
Nicaraguan Habano
The wrapper is the last tobacco leaf to be rolled on the cigar, so it is the one the smoker will see.
Nicaraguan cigar wrappers are produced mainly in Esteli and Jalapa, both lands with volcanic soil and excellent climate for growing tobacco. Wrappers grown in Jalapa have sweet undertones. Corojo, Habana2000, Criollo, and Maduro wrappers are all produced in Nicaragua.
Costa Rica
The binder is a full tobacco leaf that is used to roll the cigar, binding the filler tobaccos together.
Costa Rica has a reputation of growing excellent quality tobacco. Costa Rican maduro wrappers have become more popular in the past two decades, with the majority being dark and maduro wrappers.
Filler is the term used to describe the tobacco inside a cigar or the "guts" of the cigar.