As most cigar enthusiasts know, Miami, Florida is the epicenter for premium cigars and the gateway to Caribbean and Central American countries where great tobacco is grown, and memorable cigars are made. To honor the “Magic City” and its rich cigar history, we created the Made in Miami 5-Cigar Sampler. The cigars in this specially selected sampler were expertly hand crafted in Miami and feature some of the finest tobaccos from the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Ecuador, and Mexico. To ensure your cigars stay fresh, each pack comes with a water pillow. Purchase the Made in Miami 5-Cigar Sampler today and experience some great smokes like a native Miamian. The sampler includes one each: Herrera Esteli Miami Toro Especial Warped La Colmena Amado Casa Fernandez Miami Aniversario Serie 2015 L.F. CelineLa Palina Illumination ToroCasa Fernandez Miami Reserva Robusto