This favorite boutique cigar handmade in the Dominican Republic launches it's second limited edition release, the Balmoral Anejo XO. Made by the Royal Agio company. This first class cigar is wrapped in an aged Brazilian Sungrown Arapiraca wrapper, a Dominican Olor binder, and the fillers are a special selection of Dominican, Brazilian, and Nicaraguan tobacco. Excellent craftsmanship and smooth taste.
Cigar Origin
Dominican Republic
Most cigars are manufactured in the Caribbean and Central America.
The Dominican Republic is the world's first producer of cigars. Most factories are located in Santiago, in the center of the island, and in close proximity to the tobacco fields grown in the fertile Cibao Valley. While tobacco and cigars have always traditionally been produced in the Dominican Republic, many Cuban cigar makers established in the Dominican Republic after the Cuban communist revolution, elevating the quality of Dominican cigars.
Wrapper Color
Cigar wrapper color varies from green (Double Claro or Candela) to black (Maduro or Oscuro) with a full range of browns in between.
Maduro wrapper can go from dark coffee brown with a reddish tint to blackish brown (the latter also called Oscuro).
Brazilian Sungrown
The wrapper is the last tobacco leaf to be rolled on the cigar, so it is the one the smoker will see.
Brazil grows tobacco from North to South. The East Central State of Bahia is an important cigar tobacco producer. The growing area is about 100 miles west of the state capital, Salvador da Bahia, an active port on the Atlantic Coast. The Northern State of Alagoas hosts a production around the city of Arapiraca where maduro wrappers are grown.
Dominican Republic Olor
The binder is a full tobacco leaf that is used to roll the cigar, binding the filler tobaccos together.
Dominican Republic is a traditional tobacco-growing country. Dominican Olor tobacco is mild flavored but very aromatic.
Filler is the term used to describe the tobacco inside a cigar or the "guts" of the cigar.
Brazil produces rich, medium to strong, dark tobaccos with a sweet taste and aroma. Most of the cigar production is concentrated on the eastern coast of Brazil, in the state of Bahia.
Dominican Republic
Filler is the term used to describe the tobacco inside a cigar or the "guts" of the cigar.
Filler (or “tripa” in Spanish) is the term used to describe the tobacco inside a cigar or the "guts" of the cigar. The Dominican Republic is considered one of the most premier tobacco growing countries in the world. The filler tobacco grown in this Caribbean island nation ranges from mild to full bodied. Olor Dominicano and Piloto Cubano are the main types of tobacco grown in the Dominican Republic.
Filler is the term used to describe the tobacco inside a cigar or the "guts" of the cigar.
Rolled by
Handmade cigars are completely made by hand from start to finish.
Royal Agio Cigars
Royal Agio Cigars is a leading
global cigar manufacturer offering internationally renowned brands such as Mehari’s, Panter and
Balmoral. Established by Jacques Wintermans in 1904,
Royal Agio Cigars has always been an independent family company. At the centennial, her Majesty
Queen of the Netherlands awarded Agio Cigars with the Royal warrant of appointment. From its home base
in the Dutch town of Duizel, cigars are being sent to more than 100 countries worldwide. Production
facilities in the Netherlands, Belgium, Sri Lanka and the Dominican Republic combine state of the
art technology with the best tobaccos available to result in the highest quality ciga
Robusto, Full, Maduro, from Dominican Republic
| |
Box of 20 | $178.64 | $148.95 FREE SHIPPING | $29.69 | 740 | Backorder Discontinued | | |
Torpedo, Full, Maduro, from Dominican Republic
| |
Box of 20 | $230.04 | $191.95 FREE SHIPPING | $38.09 | 955 | Backorder Discontinued | | |
The Balmoral Anejo XO Connecticut is a full-strength cigar that lives up to its promise of delivering the ultimate smoking experience for cigar aficionados. A delicate light –brown USA Connecticut Shade wrapper surrounds the Ecuadorian Sumatra binder, and a masterly blended filler made of USA Pennsylvania, Brazil, and Dominican Republic tobaccos. Handmade in the Domincan Republic, the Balmoral Anejo XO Connecticut by Royal Agio Cigars, this is one regal cigar designed to please novice and experienced cigar aficionados alike.
Cigar Origin
Dominican Republic
Most cigars are manufactured in the Caribbean and Central America.
The Dominican Republic is the world's first producer of cigars. Most factories are located in Santiago, in the center of the island, and in close proximity to the tobacco fields grown in the fertile Cibao Valley. While tobacco and cigars have always traditionally been produced in the Dominican Republic, many Cuban cigar makers established in the Dominican Republic after the Cuban communist revolution, elevating the quality of Dominican cigars.
Wrapper Color
Cigar wrapper color varies from green (Double Claro or Candela) to black (Maduro or Oscuro) with a full range of browns in between.
Claro wrapper is light, yellowish brown in color.
USA Connecticut Shade
The wrapper is the last tobacco leaf to be rolled on the cigar, so it is the one the smoker will see.
The Connecticut Valley, in the Northeast of the USA, is well known for its bright golden wrapper. Because of a very hot and sunny summer, the tobacco is shade grown to make the leaf more delicate with few veins and even surface. Connecticut Shade wrapper grown in the United States has a mild to medium flavor and a silky quality, making it one of the most expensive and sought-after cigar wrappers in the cigar industry.
Ecuador Sumatra
The binder is a full tobacco leaf that is used to roll the cigar, binding the filler tobaccos together.
Ecuador Sumatra tobacco is made from Sumatra-seeds that been cultivated in Ecuador, one of the most ideal locations for growing tobacco. The leaves tend to be dark and rich in flavor.
Filler is the term used to describe the tobacco inside a cigar or the "guts" of the cigar.
Brazil produces rich, medium to strong, dark tobaccos with a sweet taste and aroma. Most of the cigar production is concentrated on the eastern coast of Brazil, in the state of Bahia.
Dominican Republic
Filler is the term used to describe the tobacco inside a cigar or the "guts" of the cigar.
Filler (or “tripa” in Spanish) is the term used to describe the tobacco inside a cigar or the "guts" of the cigar. The Dominican Republic is considered one of the most premier tobacco growing countries in the world. The filler tobacco grown in this Caribbean island nation ranges from mild to full bodied. Olor Dominicano and Piloto Cubano are the main types of tobacco grown in the Dominican Republic.
USA Pennsylvania
Filler is the term used to describe the tobacco inside a cigar or the "guts" of the cigar.
Rolled by
Handmade cigars are completely made by hand from start to finish.
Royal Agio Cigars
Royal Agio Cigars is a leading
global cigar manufacturer offering internationally renowned brands such as Mehari’s, Panter and
Balmoral. Established by Jacques Wintermans in 1904,
Royal Agio Cigars has always been an independent family company. At the centennial, her Majesty
Queen of the Netherlands awarded Agio Cigars with the Royal warrant of appointment. From its home base
in the Dutch town of Duizel, cigars are being sent to more than 100 countries worldwide. Production
facilities in the Netherlands, Belgium, Sri Lanka and the Dominican Republic combine state of the
art technology with the best tobaccos available to result in the highest quality ciga
Corona, Medium, Claro, from Dominican Republic
| |
Box of 20 | $188.06 | $161.95 FREE SHIPPING | $26.11 | 805 | Backorder Discontinued | | |
Toro, Medium, Claro, from Dominican Republic
| |
Box of 20 | $220.62 | $188.95 FREE SHIPPING | $31.67 | 940 | Backorder Discontinued | | |
Petit Corona, Medium, Claro, from Dominican Republic
| |
Box of 20 | $178.64 | $153.95 FREE SHIPPING | $24.69 | 765 | Backorder Discontinued | | |
Torpedo, Medium, Claro, from Dominican Republic
| |
Box of 20 | $230.04 | $196.95 FREE SHIPPING | $33.09 | 980 | Backorder Discontinued | | |
The Balmoral Anejo XO Nicaragua is a medium-strength cigar that is handmade in the Dominican Republic. A Nicaraguan Habano wrapper surrounds the Anejo XO Nicaragua’s Brazilian Cuban-seed binder, which contains a specially blended filler made of premium tobaccos from the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, and Brazil. The Balmoral Anejo XO Nicaragua provides complex notes of espresso and pepper and has an overall sweetness.
Cigar Origin
Dominican Republic
Most cigars are manufactured in the Caribbean and Central America.
The Dominican Republic is the world's first producer of cigars. Most factories are located in Santiago, in the center of the island, and in close proximity to the tobacco fields grown in the fertile Cibao Valley. While tobacco and cigars have always traditionally been produced in the Dominican Republic, many Cuban cigar makers established in the Dominican Republic after the Cuban communist revolution, elevating the quality of Dominican cigars.
Wrapper Color
Cigar wrapper color varies from green (Double Claro or Candela) to black (Maduro or Oscuro) with a full range of browns in between.
Natural wrapper, also known as Colorado Claro, is light brown in color.
Nicaraguan Habano
The wrapper is the last tobacco leaf to be rolled on the cigar, so it is the one the smoker will see.
Nicaraguan cigar wrappers are produced mainly in Esteli and Jalapa, both lands with volcanic soil and excellent climate for growing tobacco. Wrappers grown in Jalapa have sweet undertones. Corojo, Habana2000, Criollo, and Maduro wrappers are all produced in Nicaragua.
The binder is a full tobacco leaf that is used to roll the cigar, binding the filler tobaccos together.
Brazil grows tobacco from North to South. The East Central State of Bahia is an important cigar tobacco producer. The growing area is about 100 miles west of the state capital, Salvador da Bahia, an active port on the Atlantic Coast. The Northern State of Alagoas hosts a production around the city of Arapiraca where maduro wrappers are grown. The Southern states of Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina produce tobacco for cigarettes and pipe.
Cuban Seed
The binder is a full tobacco leaf that is used to roll the cigar, binding the filler tobaccos together.
Cuban seed tobacco comes from seeds that originated in Cuba but are grown in other countries. The tobacco is used in binders as well as wrappers.
Dominican Republic Olor
Filler is the term used to describe the tobacco inside a cigar or the "guts" of the cigar.
Filler is the term used to describe the tobacco inside a cigar or the "guts" of the cigar.
Filler is the term used to describe the tobacco inside a cigar or the "guts" of the cigar.
Brazil Mata Norte
Filler is the term used to describe the tobacco inside a cigar or the "guts" of the cigar.
Rolled by
Handmade cigars are completely made by hand from start to finish.
Royal Agio Cigars
Royal Agio Cigars is a leading
global cigar manufacturer offering internationally renowned brands such as Mehari’s, Panter and
Balmoral. Established by Jacques Wintermans in 1904,
Royal Agio Cigars has always been an independent family company. At the centennial, her Majesty
Queen of the Netherlands awarded Agio Cigars with the Royal warrant of appointment. From its home base
in the Dutch town of Duizel, cigars are being sent to more than 100 countries worldwide. Production
facilities in the Netherlands, Belgium, Sri Lanka and the Dominican Republic combine state of the
art technology with the best tobaccos available to result in the highest quality ciga
Toro, Medium, Natural, from Dominican Republic
| |
Box of 20 | $220.62 | $193.95 FREE SHIPPING | $26.67 | 965 | Backorder Discontinued | | |
Robusto, Medium, Natural, from Dominican Republic
| |
Box of 20 | $207.94 | $182.95 FREE SHIPPING | $24.99 | 910 | Backorder Discontinued | | |
Artfully handmade in the Dominican Republic by Royal Agio Cigars, the Balmoral Anejo XO Oscuro is a full-strength cigar with a handsome Oscuro San Andrés, Mexican wrapper, a Dominican Republic binder, and a uniquely blended filler composed of tobaccos from Nicaragua, Brazil, and the Dominican Republic. According to Boris Wintermans, CEO of Royal Agio Cigars, their commitment is to “… ultimately deliver an enjoyable, one-of-a-kind experience for cigar lovers.” The Balmoral Anejo XO Oscuro cigar definitely lives up to this promise.
Cigar Origin
Dominican Republic
Most cigars are manufactured in the Caribbean and Central America.
The Dominican Republic is the world's first producer of cigars. Most factories are located in Santiago, in the center of the island, and in close proximity to the tobacco fields grown in the fertile Cibao Valley. While tobacco and cigars have always traditionally been produced in the Dominican Republic, many Cuban cigar makers established in the Dominican Republic after the Cuban communist revolution, elevating the quality of Dominican cigars.
Wrapper Color
Cigar wrapper color varies from green (Double Claro or Candela) to black (Maduro or Oscuro) with a full range of browns in between.
Maduro wrapper can go from dark coffee brown with a reddish tint to blackish brown (the latter also called Oscuro).
Mexican San Andres Maduro
The wrapper is the last tobacco leaf to be rolled on the cigar, so it is the one the smoker will see.
Mexican tobacco is very dark and the best leaves can be used as maduro wrappers. San Andres Maduro is a thick, medium bodied dark leaf, also called San Andres Morron. Like Connecticut Broadleaf, San Andres Maduro is stalk cut and used for binder and wrapper.
Dominican Republic
The binder is a full tobacco leaf that is used to roll the cigar, binding the filler tobaccos together.
Dominican Republic is a traditional tobacco-growing country. In the 60's, a Cuban seed was introduced and the resulting tobacco, called Piloto Cubano, became famous as a good substitute of the Cuban tobacco that was no longer allowed to enter the USA. Piloto Cubano is full bodied while the Dominican Olor tobacco is milder but more aromatic.
Filler is the term used to describe the tobacco inside a cigar or the "guts" of the cigar.
Brazil produces rich, medium to strong, dark tobaccos with a sweet taste and aroma. Most of the cigar production is concentrated on the eastern coast of Brazil, in the state of Bahia.
Dominican Republic
Filler is the term used to describe the tobacco inside a cigar or the "guts" of the cigar.
Filler (or “tripa” in Spanish) is the term used to describe the tobacco inside a cigar or the "guts" of the cigar. The Dominican Republic is considered one of the most premier tobacco growing countries in the world. The filler tobacco grown in this Caribbean island nation ranges from mild to full bodied. Olor Dominicano and Piloto Cubano are the main types of tobacco grown in the Dominican Republic.
Filler is the term used to describe the tobacco inside a cigar or the "guts" of the cigar.
Rolled by
Handmade cigars are completely made by hand from start to finish.
Royal Agio Cigars
Royal Agio Cigars is a leading
global cigar manufacturer offering internationally renowned brands such as Mehari’s, Panter and
Balmoral. Established by Jacques Wintermans in 1904,
Royal Agio Cigars has always been an independent family company. At the centennial, her Majesty
Queen of the Netherlands awarded Agio Cigars with the Royal warrant of appointment. From its home base
in the Dutch town of Duizel, cigars are being sent to more than 100 countries worldwide. Production
facilities in the Netherlands, Belgium, Sri Lanka and the Dominican Republic combine state of the
art technology with the best tobaccos available to result in the highest quality ciga
Corona, Full, Maduro, from Dominican Republic
| |
Box of 20 | $188.06 | $161.95 FREE SHIPPING | $26.11 | 805 | Backorder Discontinued | | |
Toro, Full, Maduro, from Dominican Republic
| |
Box of 20 | $220.62 | $188.95 FREE SHIPPING | $31.67 | 940 | Backorder Discontinued | | |
Petit Corona, Full, Maduro, from Dominican Republic
| |
Box of 20 | $178.64 | $153.95 FREE SHIPPING | $24.69 | 765 | Backorder Discontinued | | |
Robusto, Full, Maduro, from Dominican Republic
| |
Box of 20 | $207.94 | $178.95 FREE SHIPPING | $28.99 | 890 | Backorder Discontinued | | |
The Balmoral Serie Signaturas Dueto is the unprecedented collaborative efforts of two great cigar makers. Released by Royal Agio Cigars and handmade at the renowned Ernesto Perez-Carrillo Jr.’s Tabacalera La Alianza factory in Nicaragua, Balmoral Serie Signaturas Dueto is the pinnacle of their efforts. The results? A Nicaraguan wrapper from Jalapa, a binder from Estelí, and a masterfully blended filler made of tobacco from Nicaragua, and Agio’s signature Brazilian mata norte tobacco. Royal Agio’s line of Balmoral cigars are prized for their unique flavor and pleasant aroma. The Serie Signaturas Dueto takes it to a whole new level.
Cigar Origin
Dominican Republic
Most cigars are manufactured in the Caribbean and Central America.
The Dominican Republic is the world's first producer of cigars. Most factories are located in Santiago, in the center of the island, and in close proximity to the tobacco fields grown in the fertile Cibao Valley. While tobacco and cigars have always traditionally been produced in the Dominican Republic, many Cuban cigar makers established in the Dominican Republic after the Cuban communist revolution, elevating the quality of Dominican cigars.
Wrapper Color
Colorado Maduro
Cigar wrapper color varies from green (Double Claro or Candela) to black (Maduro or Oscuro) with a full range of browns in between.
Colorado maduro wrapper is milk chocolate brown.
Nicaraguan Jalapa
The wrapper is the last tobacco leaf to be rolled on the cigar, so it is the one the smoker will see.
Known for its delicate yet complex tobacco, the Jalapa Valley produces some of the most prized crops in the entire industry. Rich with a simultaneously spicy and sweet flavor, Jalapa tobacco is one of the three main Nicaraguan variants that exist today.
Nicaraguan Esteli
The binder is a full tobacco leaf that is used to roll the cigar, binding the filler tobaccos together.
The Esteli region of Nicaragua is well-regarded for producing some of the finest tobacco in the world. Tobacco grown in this area is valued for its aroma, flavor, and strength.
Filler is the term used to describe the tobacco inside a cigar or the "guts" of the cigar.
Brazil Mata Norte
Filler is the term used to describe the tobacco inside a cigar or the "guts" of the cigar.
Rolled by
Handmade cigars are completely made by hand from start to finish.
EPC Cigar Co.
Ernesto Perez-Carrillo, a legend in the industry since the success in the 90s of his La Gloria Cubana brand, has now created E.P. Carrillo which he runs with his family. In 2009, he began making the cigars that bear his name in his own factory called Tabacalera La Alianza located in Santiago, Dominican Republic.
Toro, Medium, Colorado Maduro, from Dominican Republic
| |
Box of 10 | $129.04 | $111.95 FREE SHIPPING | $17.09 | 555 | Backorder Discontinued | | |
Toro, Medium, Colorado Maduro, from Dominican Republic
| |
Box of 10 | $108.64 | $93.95 | $14.69 | 465 | Backorder Discontinued | | |
Perfecto, Medium, Colorado Maduro, from Dominican Republic
| |
Box of 10 | $106.08 | $91.95 | $14.13 | 455 | Backorder Discontinued | | |
Robusto, Medium, Colorado Maduro, from Dominican Republic
| |
Box of 10 | $100.98 | $86.95 | $14.03 | 430 | Backorder Discontinued | | |
Handmade in the Dominican Republic at the La Flor Dominica factory, the Balmoral Serie Signaturas Paso Doble is a flavorful medium-strength cigar. The Signaturas Paso Doble has an Ecuadorian Habano wrapper that cloaks a binder and filler made of premium tobaccos from the Dominican Republic. The Balmoral Serie Signaturas Paso Doble offers up full-bodied notes of earth, pepper, and nuts.
Cigar Origin
Dominican Republic
Most cigars are manufactured in the Caribbean and Central America.
The Dominican Republic is the world's first producer of cigars. Most factories are located in Santiago, in the center of the island, and in close proximity to the tobacco fields grown in the fertile Cibao Valley. While tobacco and cigars have always traditionally been produced in the Dominican Republic, many Cuban cigar makers established in the Dominican Republic after the Cuban communist revolution, elevating the quality of Dominican cigars.
Wrapper Color
Cigar wrapper color varies from green (Double Claro or Candela) to black (Maduro or Oscuro) with a full range of browns in between.
Maduro wrapper can go from dark coffee brown with a reddish tint to blackish brown (the latter also called Oscuro).
Ecuadorian Habano
The wrapper is the last tobacco leaf to be rolled on the cigar, so it is the one the smoker will see.
Ecuadorian Habano wrapper has become one of the most used cigar wrappers in the market. Grown primarily by the Oliva family, this tobacco originated from Habano or H2000 seeds brought to Ecuador from Cuba. This leaf is rich and flavorful thanks to the temperate climate of Ecuador and the quality of its volcanic soil.
Dominican Republic
The binder is a full tobacco leaf that is used to roll the cigar, binding the filler tobaccos together.
Dominican Republic is a traditional tobacco-growing country. In the 60's, a Cuban seed was introduced and the resulting tobacco, called Piloto Cubano, became famous as a good substitute of the Cuban tobacco that was no longer allowed to enter the USA. Piloto Cubano is full bodied while the Dominican Olor tobacco is milder but more aromatic.
Dominican Republic
Filler is the term used to describe the tobacco inside a cigar or the "guts" of the cigar.
Filler (or “tripa” in Spanish) is the term used to describe the tobacco inside a cigar or the "guts" of the cigar. The Dominican Republic is considered one of the most premier tobacco growing countries in the world. The filler tobacco grown in this Caribbean island nation ranges from mild to full bodied. Olor Dominicano and Piloto Cubano are the main types of tobacco grown in the Dominican Republic.
Rolled by
Handmade cigars are completely made by hand from start to finish.
La Flor Dominicana
La Flor Dominicana was founded in 1996 by husband and wife team, Litto and Ines Gomez. Located in Santiago, Dominican Republic, the factory produces some of the most highly rated cigar brands. The company cultivates and ferments their own tobacco at their farm in La Canela.
Double Corona, Medium, Maduro, from Dominican Republic
| |
Box of 10 | $174.42 | $152.95 FREE SHIPPING | $21.47 | 760 | Backorder Discontinued | | |
Toro, Medium, Maduro, from Dominican Republic
| |
Box of 10 | $125.86 | $110.95 FREE SHIPPING | $14.91 | 550 | Backorder Discontinued | | |
Robusto, Medium, Maduro, from Dominican Republic
| |
Box of 10 | $118.32 | $103.95 FREE SHIPPING | $14.37 | 515 | Backorder Discontinued | | |
Questions & Answers
Weishi When could this be available? I really be attracted by someone smoked this at street.
Posted 7/6/2023
Ronald Hicks Could I be notified when these are available
Posted 9/21/2021
Anonymous do you ship to uk?
Posted 1/23/2021
Kevin Dekeerle Do you ship cigars to Belgium?
Posted 1/8/2021
Paul Spankie Hi, sorry to be a trouble but do you send to the Great Britain. I am happy to pay all additional shipping and taxes. I just can't buy this Balmoral cigar in my country. Kindest regards Paul Spankie
Posted 12/15/2018
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