This well-balanced, medium-strength cigar offers a complexity of flavors with its spicy, earthy, coffee, and cocoa notes. Its smooth red-hued Ecuadorian wrapper cloaks a Nicaraguan binder and filler. Expertly handmade in Nicaragua, each cigar is capped off with a stylish pigtail. The cigar is best paired with a märzen-style beer, which is very popular during Octoberfest. The Brick House Bricktoberfest 2023 is a limited-edition release cigar that celebrates Octoberfest. This is the 6th release of this popular and festive cigar. J.C. Newman invites you to get into the spirit of Octoberfest, by participating in the annual Bricktoberfest special promotion. From September 18th to October 31st, 2023, purchase 5 Brick House cigars, and receive a free Brick House Bricktoberfest 2023 Pilsner Stein.