Cigar companies are known for being family owned and operated enterprises. Some have a family lineage that dates back several generations. However, few are recognized for helping their homeland prosper in the highly competitive cigar industry. Agrotabacos is one those companies.
The Ortez family, proud owners of Agroindustrial Nicaraguense de Tabacos S.A. (Agrotabacos), has been in the tobacco business in one form or another for more than 50 years. It all began when Ramon Ortez started working for a tobacco farm in Nicaragua in 1967.
Ramon imparted his passion for cigars to his family and especially to his son Omar who joined his father in the tobacco business when he was ten years old. After laboring in Nicaragua’s tobacco fields for several years, Omar was put in charge of running the farm.
Omar later went on to manage various tobacco companies in Nicaragua. Through his hard work and dedication to the tobacco business, Omar was one of the chief proponents in helping develop and establish Nicaragua as a highly respected leader in the tobacco industry.
Then in 1992, Ortez founded Agropecuaria Exportadora S.A. His newly formed company supplied manufacturers with the essential resources to create premium cigars. Three short years later, Omar established Agrotabacos as a family run business. Agrotabacos is a seed-to-finished cigar enterprise. It is dedicated to creating carefully aged and perfectly balanced cigars using the finest tobaccos from Nicaragua’s top tobacco producing regions: Esteli, Condega, and Jalapa.
Then in 2013 Omar established the Omar Ortez Company, which focused on supplying the tobacco for their own line of cigars: the Omar Ortez Originals and the Omar Ortez Maduro. The former is known for being bold and full-bodied but striking a nice balance between flavor and strength. The latter is considered a strong cigar and appeals to the veteran cigar smoker. In addition, Agrotabacos supplies the tobacco or makes cigars for well-known cigar companies such as Ventura Cigars, Altadis USA, Flor de Gonzalez, and Zander-Greg’s NAT CICCO cigars.
Agrotabacos is known for using the Nicaragua desflorado wrapper. The desflorado method involves removing the flower from the tobacco plant. This ensures that the leaves get most of the nutrients. This process creates healthier wrapper leaves, which leads to a more enjoyable smoking experience. The desflorado wrapper plays a primary role in the PSyKo SEVEN Nicaragua by Ventura Cigars. This bold Nicaraguan puro features a vintage 2007 Desflorado wrapper.
Omar’s daughter, Indiana Ortez is the latest family member to join the family business. At the young age of 25, Indiana made a name for herself by releasing the Father-Daughter limited edition cigar in collaboration with her father. This sought-after cigar is released during Ventura Cigars’ Fathers, Friends and Fire events. It was created as an homage to Omar who not only introduced Indiana to the world of cigars, but helped fuel her passion for them. After going through a rigorous apprenticeship in the fine art of blending and creating cigars, Indiana moved on to become Agrotabacos’ Chief Marketing Officer and Quality Control Manager. Indiana Ortez was instrumental in developing the blend for the PSyKo SEVEN Nicaragua.
In conclusion, Agrotabacos is a family owned venture that was established in Nicaragua. The Ortez family got involved in the tobacco industry more than half a century ago. They grow the tobacco and manufacture cigars for some world’s most well-known cigar companies. Agrotabacos’ founder, Omar Ortez is highly involved in promoting his home country’s tobacco industry. Ortez’ daughter, Indiana is carrying on her family’s legacy of creating memorable blends, producing fine cigars, and expanding Nicaragua’s position in the cigar world.