Introduced in the 1970s, Hoyo de Monterrey Excalibur quickly made its mark as a super-premium cigar with an appealing price. To name but one of its many admirers, The Robb Report has recognized Excalibur as one of the world's five greatest cigars.
A full-bodied Honduran cigar with a rich Cameroon wrapper and a flavorful Connecticut Broadleaf binder, Excalibur 1066 is named after the legendary sword of King Arthur and the historic Battle of Hastings. Before launching this brand, General Cigar conducted a survey among cigar enthusiasts to determine which of two blends should become their new cigar. The blend in the Excalibur 1066 was their choice.
Excalibur 1066 is the first cigar that has ever combined the rich Honduran taste with the richness of a Cameroon wrapper. The blend is a combination of Honduran, Nicaraguan and Dominican tobaccos. The character of the cigar is further enhanced by a select Broadleaf binder grown in the Connecticut River Valley.
This cigar is handmade at the Honduras American Tabaco, S.A. factory in Cofradia, Honduras.