Kafie 1901 Cigars was founded in 2013 by Dr. Gaby Kafie, a doctor turned cigar crafter. The brand’s factory was originally established in Honduras, which has been Kafie’s ancestral home since the early 20th Century. In 2021 due to the COVID-19 Pandemic and destructive hurricanes that greatly affected Honduras and its tobacco industry, Kafie was forced to close his factory.
Luckily, the company was able to collaborate with La Aurora Cigars in the Dominican Republic. This liaison has given Kafie access to La Aurora Cigars’ vast resources of fine tobaccos, manufacturing, and even master blenders such as Manuel Inoa. The brand has kept its core line of cigars but updated and tweaked the blends to further enhance their flavor profiles. They also added the
Kafie 1901 L Natural cigar to the core line. This is a medium to full-bodied Dominican puro, which imparts a balanced and complex smoking experience, and it is indicative of the fine tobacco that is grown in the Dominican Republic. Also, the brand’s packaging has undergone a new look, which depicts the Kafie family’s early history.
As part of its collaboration with La Aurora, Kafie has released the Liga de la Casa by Kafie 1901 and the Naked Cigars by Kafie 1901 lines, which are wallet-friendly cigars that have a premium profile. Going forward Kafie 1901 Cigars will be handmade at the La Aurora Cigars factory in the Dominican Republic.
Published on 1/19/2023