There is a lot of legend around this cigar brand first manufactured in Little Havana, Miami and now made in both Miami and the Dominican Republic. Ernesto Perez-Carrillo, Cuban Senator and tobacco grower, fled Cuba in 1959, taking with him the secret of La Gloria Cubana cigars. He began making them in the heart of Little Havana in Miami, Florida in 1968, where their bold taste made them a local favorite. Today, La Gloria Cubana is one of the most sought after cigars in the world.
Once Little Havana's best kept secret, La Gloria Cubana has become a favorite of cigar smokers everywhere. Available in 23 sizes, in both Natural and Maduro, La Gloria Cubana's special blend of Dominican and Nicaraguan filler and binder become one with its beautifully aged Ecuadorian wrapper to deliver the full, rich flavor that is its trademark.
This brand’s history starts when El Credito Cigars, a company established in Cuba in the early 1900s, was purchased by the Carrillo family in 1948. Forced to flee Cuba after the communist revolution, master blender Ernesto Carrillo reopened his factory in Little Havana, Miami in 1968. In 1980, his son, Ernesto Jr. blended a unique combination of Dominican and Nicaraguan tobaccos to make La Gloria Cubana even more full-flavored and richer tasting. His efforts paid off, when, in 1992, Cigar Aficionado recognized the superiority of La Gloria Cubana, giving it a 90 rating. Almost overnight, the cigars became very popular and amidst the 1990s cigar boom Ernesto Perez-Carrillo built a new factory in the Dominican Republic. In 1999 Carrillo sold El Credito to Stockholm-based Swedish Match AB. He remains the company's president.