A medium-strength cigar whose earthy, nutty, and vanilla notes are underscored by subtle leathery notes and add to the cigar’s complexity. Its savory Ecuadorian Habano-seed maduro wrapper cloaks an all Nicaraguan binder and filler. This carefully curated blend offers a unique smoking experience that will appeal to both novice and veteran aficionados. The cigars are expertly hand crafted at the famed El Titan De Bronze cigar factory in Miami, Florida. The Altezas Reales 1871 cigars are rolled using the entubado method and capped with a triple cap for a very traditional Cuban look. In keeping with the tradition of Cuban cigar crafting, the boxes are stamped with the dates they were packaged. Pairing suggestions: Iced Scotch Whisky, Iced Añejo Rums, Cuban Coffee, Rich Malt Beers. This is a limited production release. Only 1,000 boxes of 10 cigars per box were made.