A potent yet complex cigar that offers an invigorating smoking experience highlighted by notes of spice, sweetness, and pepper. This Honduran puro sports a tasty, smooth maduro wrapper. Its filler includes the Eiroa family’s proprietary Authentic Corojo tobacco and the difficult to grow Pinareno Cuban-seed tobacco. Pinareno is very susceptible to tobacco diseases. When added to a blend this rarely used tobacco adds a flavorful dimension to the cigar’s profile. Handmade in Honduras, the Asylum Sensorium will awaken the senses of both the traditional and contemporary cigar aficionados. Once rolled, each cigar is nested in a wooden coffin to protect it and to preserve its flavor. Once smoked, you will want to make the Sensorium a part of your rotation, so be sure to buy it by the box. It’s worth the investment.