They say a classic never goes out of style. It is why Davidoff has brought back the Davidoff Robusto Intenso. Originally released in 2005, this limited-edition premium cigar has returned to capture the hearts, minds, and palates of cigar lovers all over again. Handmade in the Dominican Republic, the Robusto Intenso LE 2020 features tobaccos from five regions of this Caribbean island nation that are known for producing some of the finest tobacco in the industry. The leaves are then expertly covered by a smooth, red-hued Ecuadorian Habano wrapper. The tobaccos are aged for seven years to allow their intensity, flavor, and aroma to develop. A full-bodied yet balanced cigar, this masterfully crafted cigar delivers a rich complexity of flavors and aroma. The Davidoff Robusto Intenso LE 2020 is part of Davidoff’s limited-edition collection only 4,500 boxes of 10 cigars per box were made for U.S. distribution so reserve yours today.