A potent, full-bodied cigar with a deep complexity of flavors heightened by an irresistible sweetness, and notes of spice. This Nicaraguan puro features a rustic, red-hued Habano 2000 Corojo wrapper that cloaks a Nicaraguan binder and filler, which includes hard-to-get Pelo de Oro leaves. This special tobacco is known for its potency, flavor, and sweetness. It is hard to grow due to its susceptibility to blue mold disease. Thus, it is rarely used. Handmade in Nicaragua, the Don Pepin Garcia 20th Anniversary Limited Edition 2023 cigar was crafted to celebrate the Don Pepin Garcia’s anniversary. It also celebrates the brand’s most popular cigar the “Blue Label.” Only 5,000 boxes of 20 cigars per box were made, so order your box(es) today.