A potent cigar with a spicy and earthy profile. This Nicaraguan puro sports a dark chocolatey maduro wrapper. The cigars are handmade in Nicaragua at AJ Fernandez’s San Lotano Factory. The Espinosa Las 6 Provincias Las Villas Robusto is the third release of the La 6 Provincias line, which was created to honor Cuba’s six provinces. From the 18th to the 19th century, the Las Villas province was known for being the epic-center of Cuba’s cattle business. After rolling, the cigars are placed in individual coffins and boxed in a collectible 10-count curio. The artwork on the curio depicts the Las Villas province prior to the revolution. It was designed by Eden Gutierrez, a Cuban artist who lives in Florida. This is a limited-edition cigar only 1,000 curios of 10 cigars per box were made so be sure to order yours today.