Aging a cigar can be a daunting task for most aficionados. Thankfully, the Flor de Selva No. 15 2012-2022 Box of 20 has eliminated all the guesswork involved with aging cigars. Each box contains two versions of the same cigar: vintage and recently rolled. Why? Maya Selva Cigars wants you to truly experience how aging enhances a cigar’s overall profile. In 2012, ten vintage cigars were rolled and aged in a monitored, climate controlled environment for 10 years to see how the aging process affected the cigar’s texture, flavor, and aroma. The ten recently rolled cigars were produced in 2022. Both versions are made using a smooth Honduran Connecticut Shade wrapper, a Honduran Jamastran binder and Honduran filler leaves. All 20 cigars come in a specially designed collectible box and are ready to smoke. No further aging is required. All you have to do is purchase the box, cut, light, and enjoy. You can smoke both versions at the same time by alternating between cigars (Highly Recommended). Or smoke one and then the other. Regardless of how you smoke them, this is one vintage tasting experience you do not want to miss. You might want to invite fellow aficionados and host a tasting party. Once you smoke both versions, let us know in the comments how the taste test went for you.