This full-bodied, full-strength cigar delivers noticeable notes of cedar, sweetness, leather, cocoa, and spice. Its Ecuadorian Sumatra-seed maduro wrapper covers a Dominican Republic binder and filler. The La Flor Dominicana Double Ligero’s filler contains twice the amount of ligero leaves, which gives this cigar its potency. The cigars are handmade in the Dominican Republic. The Digger started out as a custom-made cigar for an aficionado who went by the name of Digger. He once met the brand’s founder Litto Gomez at a cigar shop and told Gomez that he loved the DL700 except for one thing. It needed to be two inches longer. Gomez complied and shipped a specially produced box just for Digger. This long, thick cigar eventually became a mainstay in the Double Ligero line-up.