A flavorful and potent cigar with a sweet, nutty profile highlighted by notes of vanilla, cocoa, wood, and a spicy, cedary long finish. This Nicaraguan puro features a smooth dark chocolatey maduro wrapper. The tobaccos use in this celebratory cigar were grown on farms owned by master cigar crafter AJ Fernandez. Once harvested, the leaves underwent a slow fermentation process to bring out their flavors and aromas. They were then allowed to age for 10 years prior to rolling to further enhance the cigars’ palate pleasing notes. Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Edicion Doble Diamante Toro is highly regarded for being well-balanced, flavorful, and having an excellent draw and burn. Once rolled, the cigars are tucked in a collectible box that serves as a humidor. The cigars are handmade in Nicaragua. This is a limited edition cigar. Only 250 collectible boxes of 20 cigars per box were made. Order yours today!