This award-winning sampler includes four of this historic cigar crafter’s cigars that have won the coveted #1 spot in Cigar Aficionado’s Top 25 Cigars of the Year. Each sampler includes one (1) each:
• Padron 1964 Anniversary Natural Torpedo 6" * 52 (2021) A Nicaraguan puro whose refined tobacco has been aged for five years. Then blended to create an exceptionally smooth, complex, balanced, and full-bodied smoking experience. This was the fourth Padron cigar to be awarded the title of cigar of the year.
• Padron Family Reserve Maduro No. 45 6" * 52 (2009) Its impeccable draw expertly delivers a spicy, full-bodied smoking indulgence for this all-Nicaraguan cigar. It was the third Padron cigar to be awarded cigar of the year.
• Padron 1926 Serie Natural Serie No. 9 5"1/4 * 56 (2007) From first puff to last, this Nicaraguan puro offers a well-balanced and complex smoking experience. It was the second Padron cigar to receive the honor of being named cigar of the year.
• 1926 Serie 40th Anniversary 6"1/2 * 54 (2004) A flawless Nicaraguan puro with a rich complexity that offers a mesmerizing smoking experience. This classic cigar was crafted to mark Padron’s 40th anniversary, and it was the first Padron cigar to receive Cigar Aficionado’s Cigar of the Year. And! it was also the first cigar ever to receive the title of Cigar of the Year by Cigar Aficionado.