A medium-strength cigar with a palate pleasing complexity that includes spicy, earthy, and coffee notes with an underlying creaminess. Its dark tan Ecuadorian Sumatra-seed maduro wrapper sheaths a binder and filler made of premium tobacco leaves from the Dominican Republic. Once rolled, the cigars were allowed to age for one year to let the tobacco develop its irresistible flavor profile. This special blend was created to celebrate Skip Martin’s (the “Ma” in RoMa Craft) 50th birthday. But! Instead of developing the blend himself, Martin reached out to Ernesto Perez-Carrillo of E.P. Carrillo Cigars to help him. Ernesto agreed and the pair dedicated two years to creating the blend. Handmade at Perez-Carrillo’s Tabacalera La Alianza S.A. in the Dominican Republic, the RoMa Craft Quinquagenario marks the first time RoMa Craft has had a cigar made outside of Nicaragua.