If you’re looking for an All-American cigar set, eureka! You found it. This specially selected set comes with three robusto-sized The American cigars, which are handmade in the USA by the J.C. Newman Cigar Co. Each cigar features a stunning Florida Sun Grown wrapper that is artfully draped over a USA broadleaf binder and USA Connecticut and USA Pennsylvania long-filler leaves. The American offers a palate pleasing medium-bodied smoking experience. Once ready, the cigars are nested in a specially designed showband three-cigar case that was made for J.C. Newman by Brizard & Co., a California based cigar accessories maker. The case is made of aniline leather, which is a full-grain leather that is known for aging well and developing a patina. The case is lined with Spanish cedar. Each case features the famous The American logo and is numbered, which makes it a very desirable collectible.