Sindicato Cigars

Established in 2013, the Sindicato Cigar Group was founded by a group of premium cigar industry leaders with decades of experience. Sindicato’s goal is to develop flavorful blends and craft memorable cigars that appeal to both the veteran as well as the novice smoker. Their cigars are produced in Nicaragua. The company is located in Boca Raton, Florida.
Questions & Answers
Jan Stark  I’m smoking a Sindicato Corona Gorda Maduro, (48 x 5.5),that I am enjoying and I am trying to find it on your site. The barcode on the one I have here is: 810467020660. Can you identify it and do you carry this cigar?
Posted 3/25/2023   
  •  It is not something we regularly carry, but can likely special order them for you if you are interested in purchasing by the box. If you are, please email us at [email protected] for pricing and availability.
    Replied 3/27/2023  
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