Neptune Cigars Introduces Word Cloud

Whether you are a new cigar aficionado or a seasoned veteran, there might come a time when you will be at a loss for words when it comes to describing your favorite cigar. Or you might want to know about a cigar before you buy it, but you don't have the time to read a product description or a long review. You just want a few quick keywords to help you make an informed decision. So what do you do? Well, Neptune Cigars has come up with a very simple solution. It’s called the Neptune Cigar Word Cloud.


How does the Neptune Cigar Word Cloud Work?

Loyal customers, such as yourself, leave reviews our website all the time. Our Word Cloud algorithm analyses each and every review, and picks out words or phrases that best describes a specific cigar.


Why are Some Words Larger than Others?

The Neptune Cigar Word Cloud assigns a weight to each word and phrase based on its relative frequency. For example if the phrase “good flavor” appears more frequently in the reviews, the Word Cloud will assign it a greater value than the other words and make that phrase appear larger.


How do I find the Neptune Cigar Word Cloud?

That’s easy! Just select a brand or cigar from our website, and scroll down to the reviews section until you see “How reviewers describe [Name of Cigar]”, and there you will find our Word Cloud. Here is what it looks like on the brand page:


Here is what it looks like on the product page:

Now you will never be at a loss for words when you have to describe your favorite cigar.



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10/04/2018AnonymousThis Word Cloud is a great idea.