A medium strength cigar with a delightful tobacco sweetness, rich creaminess, and touches of spice for a memorable smoking experience that is out of this world. This Dominican puro sports a smooth natural wrapper and is packed with savory Dominican tobacco. The cigars are handmade at the storied La Aurora Cigar Factory in the Dominican Republic. After rolling, 18 Fratello Lunar Limited Figurado cigars are stored in a collectible humidor designed to resemble a lunar lander. The humidor comes equipped with an analog hygrometer. Only 175 humidors containing 18 Fratello Lunar Limited Edition Figurado cigars will be available for purchase. Order yours today before this limited-edition cigar blasts off! The Fratello Lunar cigar line was crafted to commemorate the time-honored tradition of celebrating successful space missions by smoking premium cigars. The Fratello logo was chosen to be onboard Intuitive Machines’ Nova-C lunar lander, which will carry special equipment to the moon. The equipment will help facilitate future manned missions.