A medium to full strength cigar that packs noticeable notes of spice, red peppers, and a slight underlying sweetness. Its rustic Ecuadorian Sumatra-seed maduro wrapper cloaks a Nicaraguan binder and filler. The cigars are handmade in the Dominican Republic at the famed Tabacalera Alianza factory, which is owned and operated by master cigar crafter Ernesto Perez-Carrillo. When developing the blend for the CAO PI Synesthesia Red, Tim Ozgener, founder of Ozgener Family Cigars, asked aficionados what they thought the color red would taste like. They responded with “hot, spicy, hot sauces.” So, Tim worked on a blend that starts off strong, slows down, and picks up again. This cigar is potent without being overwhelming. It is best enjoyed after a hearty meal. Definitely not a morning cigar! It is a limited edition cigar. Only 2,500 boxes of 12 cigars per box were made. Order yours today!